The Female Orgasm Demystified

Today, we are talking about an essential subject of sexuality: orgasm.

Orgasm is more than just a moment of pleasure. It is a physical and emotional response that occurs after sufficient sexual stimulation, both physical and mental. It manifests itself through involuntary contractions of the muscles of the genitals and pelvic floor, and it causes a release of tension and energy. But beyond the pleasurable aspect, the benefits of orgasm are numerous for your general well-being.

The benefits of orgasm:

  • Improved blood circulation : An orgasm stimulates circulation, which can promote better cardiovascular health.

  • Relaxation and sleep : After an orgasm, the body relaxes deeply, which can help you sleep better.

  • Relief of certain pains : Did you know that an orgasm can help relieve menstrual cramps or headaches?

  • Stress reduction : It acts as a real natural antidote against stress, by releasing endorphins.

  • Connection with oneself : Orgasm helps strengthen the connection with one's own body, promoting better self-esteem.

In summary, orgasm is not only a pleasant experience, but it is also a powerful ally for your physical and mental health.

Myths and realities?

  • What is clitoral orgasm and vaginal orgasm?

    • Did you know that both types of orgasms result from the stimulation of the same anatomical structures? In fact, vaginal orgasm is the product of stimulation of the internal structures of the clitoris through the vaginal walls. It is often felt as a more diffuse sensation; approximately 20% of women report having orgasms through penetration.


  • Is female orgasm harder to achieve? 

    • Did you know that the tissues that make up the clitoris are the same as those that make up the penis? And that the glans of the clitoris contains twice as many nerve endings as the glans of the penis? Clitoral orgasm is not more difficult to achieve physiologically. However, it is less common due to a variety of factors including a lack of adequate stimulation and a decentralization of female pleasure in common sexual practices.


  • Do sex toys compete with partners?

    • On the contrary, they are peerless allies! These objects can offer exceptional support to other forms of stimulation as well as to the intimate connection that is unique to sexual intercourse with a partner. Considering the rarity of vaginal orgasms, toys allow for increased stimulation during penetration as well as a greater diversity of sexual practices.

  • Multiple orgasm?

    • Unlike the penis, the clitoris does not have a refractory period. This means that it does not need a waiting or rest period before having another orgasm. However, each woman is different and many have such sensitivity that after the first orgasm, they will not be able to consider having a second one. Indeed, a simple contact can be unpleasant or painful. It is therefore a case by case basis.

  • Orgasm represents the end of the sexual act?

    • Sexuality comes in many forms. There is no “right way” to have sex. Sometimes sex leads to orgasm and sometimes it doesn’t, this doesn’t mean that the intercourse was incomplete or unsatisfactory. By perceiving orgasm as a necessity, sometimes we put more pressure on ourselves that can ultimately prevent it from happening. Sex can contain an orgasm at any time without having to end and can also end without an orgasm!

An advice

The ideal way to achieve orgasm, if that's what you're looking for, is to feel comfortable with yourself and your partner, relax, and then let go of expectations, distractions, and control.

3 ways to get there

  • The discovery
    To know what you like or dislike, it is necessary to experiment and discover it by trying new experiences. Let go, relax and above all, enjoy yourself!

  • Communication
    It is essential to promote good communication with your partner. You must express your desires and needs. Tell your partner what pleases you, the positions to try and talk about the vibrator that you would potentially like to incorporate!

  • The environment
    Choose a place where you will be comfortable, without disturbing noise and at a time of day that you like. Paying attention to these factors allows you to create the winning recipe! 


Floravi vibrators are great allies offering a variety of vibration modes and intensities. For more information on Floravi intimate accessories, Click here. Combine with water based lubricant from Floravi to maximize pleasure and comfort. 

We hope this information will help you better understand the importance of orgasm in your intimate life and explore new ways to achieve it!



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